Time to reflect; time to change


The Christmas season only comes around once a year. We prepare for it for all of December, then the climax of Christmas comes, and all of the preparation seems like it was worth it during the heat of the festivities. Family and close friends sit at the dinner table as the turkey is carved. Dinner is done and all of the delicious desserts are beautifully presented. Guests leave, hosts clean. The day is done as everyone tucks themselves into bed.

"Live the life"

Christmas is one day of the year out of 365. It is a day that gives families a reason to all get together and celebrate. But for those families that have lost someone, it is a tough time of year. This year there was one extra spot at the dinning room table at Christmas dinner. There was a new turkey carver chosen. There was one less stocking hanging over the fire place.

“Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.”

It is so hard to accept the death of a loved one, whether a friend, a mother or a grandparent. Most people in society do not want to die, and do everything they can to live to see another day. In some countries death and sorrows are an every day occurrence, and is to be expected.

“Death is not something that I fear. I look at it as something that comes to those who need to be taken away and saved. Those who are scared of life are scared to live their lives. If people are always worried about the consequences of their actions for if worst comes to worst then they will never be able to do what they want to do. Death for many people is something that is holding them back from doing great things.” – Anonymous

As New Years is just around the corner, I am starting to look back at all of the things that I did not accomplish this year. I have started to get myself down and feel sad as I look at everything that I wanted to accomplish but didn’t. Every year we do this to ourselves and feel bad because we didn’t do everything that we wanted to do. But this year, I am going to try something different. I’m not going to look at my New Years resolutions, or leave it to my imagination to come up with everything that I have not done, but am going to make a list of everything that I have accomplished. I want to feel good about what I did this year, and I encourage everyone to do the same.

“Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down.”

I still believe in writing New Years resolutions, as it gives you something to reach for and the motivation needed to have new experiences, but as I review it this year, I am not going to beat myself down with everything that I haven’t done, but record everything that I have and continue to strive to do more and to be a better person.

“The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up”

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Hey I'm Sarah. I am 17 years old and have lived in Calgary for about 7 years in total, while living overseas for majority of my life. I moved from Canada when I was really young and traveled to California, Angola, Africa, and Indonesia. I have most recently just moved back to Calgary from living in Malaysia for almost 3 years. I design clothes, play soccer, and have modeled a few times, doing runways and photo shoots with some fashion designers, as well as L'Oreal. I have had lots of interesting experiences due to my traveling and it has always shaped who I am.