The negative effects of candy


thCandy’s tantalizing colors and addictive tastes are devilishly tempting. It’s an assortment of colors that fill your mouth with excitement and fulfillment. Candy “guaranteeing satisfaction” would be an understatement. As a matter of fact, I’m having some right now. I don’t quite think we consume candy; it works the other way around. So what gives candy its addicting features? Today, I’ll be looking through the different health effects candy can have and the best way to prevent it.

So why do we enjoy candy so much? Candy has one characteristic that separates it from the rest: sugar. Candy consists of sugar, loads and loads of it. Sugar prompts us to come back for more every bite. It pleases our taste buds by using different chemicals and special ingredients. Sugar triggers a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment. Some researchers had recently discovered that processed sugar could be more addictive than cocaine. They conducted an experiment, investigating how rats would react when given the choice between water, sugar, and cocaine. To many people’s surprise, 94% of them had prioritized sugar over the other two. Some of the rats had earlier been addicted to cocaine. When they were given the choice to switch to sugar, many had done so. This proves just how inevitable the taste can be.

There are several health effects candy can have on us. One thing that candy does to you is raise your insulin level. This hinders the process in which growth hormones are released, which negatively impacts your immune system. Major intakes of sugar can result in an unbalanced sugar-blood ratio. Whenever we eat sweets, we are more vulnerable to gaining weight since insulin builds up fat. All of these detrimental health effects can later lead to harmful diseases, and maybe even cancer.

th-2So what’s the best we can avoid candy in its entirety? For the most part, we humans dwell on candy because its something we “turn to” as an alternative. If you’re not feeling well, or something’s not going your way, you turn to candy. The best way to avoid candy is simply to just stop. With a hint of will power, anything is possible. For example, limit your candy intake to once a week. As you adapt to this new routine, it will become a habit. Try staying away from convenient stores, or fast food restaurants. When you want something to snack on, why not try an apple for a change? Maybe even a granola bar? My point is, try looking for alternatives. So the next time you go to pick up a pack of gummies, stop and think! Remember the healthier you are, the better off you’ll be.
