The Cons of The Twilight Saga


Twilight New Moon teaser movie posterI’m guessing most of you have read The Twilight Saga or at least heard of it.  Earlier this week, Sam posted her thoughts on this popular series by Stephenie Meyer – the pros of the Saga, if you will.  Now here I am to tell the other side of the story: The Cons.  Though the books were better then the movies, the books weren’t that much better…

  • Most of the Twilight books are too easy, and boring.
  • The plot was shallow.
  • The quality of writing was poor.
  • They should be considered childrens books, but the content is inappropriate for children.  There is a lot of violence in the book, and children really shouldn’t be reading romance novels.  The only book in the whole series that was not completely inappropriate would have to be the first one.
  • The Twilight series is cliche and a lot of it doesn’t make sense.  How would it be possible for the Cullens to sparkle in the sun and for no one to notice?  If vampires are so powerful, why would they care about staying a secret?
  • Stephenie Meyer recreated the vampire myth and turned vampires into fake silly mythical creatures. Vampires are not supposed to sparkle in the sun.
  • It also has a limited view of women, and Bella isn’t a very good role model for young girls…
  • …Bella gives up her college plans for Edward, and she constantly needs  to be saved.
  • Rosalie is obsessed with her appearance and very jealous.
  • Men are portrayed as stronger, more intelligent, powerful and independent,
  • Women are portrayed as weak, shallow, and always needing to be saved.
  • Even though Edward has obsessive, violent, possessive, stalker like qualities, hes described as the perfect lover.
  • And honestly…Edward is just kind of a creepy person, lol.

And there you have it, some of the cons of Twilight.  The books weren’t that great, and I think there are a lot of other vampire novels that were so much better.