Studying and Snacking: A Brief Guide


Exam season is now upon us and it’s time to hit the books and study up. Studying takes a lot of valuable energy and hunger is inevitable during these arduous times. However, there is a right and wrong way to curb the munchies during those marathon study sessions.


  • Eat food with lots of vitamins and minerals
  • Stick to snacks that create minimal mess and crumbs
  • Have a good stock of healthy options available
Healthy Options:
  • Plain popcorn
    • popcorn2Homemade air pop popcorn is a great option because it only has as much seasoning on it as you want. If you feel the need to add flavour, avoid using large amounts of grease (from butter/margarine) or salt. Not only are they not the best for you, but they can leave residue on your hands.
  • Gum
    • I personally love chewing gum because it keeps my mouth occupied and my hands free to do something else other than be a plate-to-mouth food transport system.
  • Veggies and Dip
    • Not only are raw vegetables super healthy and jam-packed with nutrients, a low-fat dip can help to add some of the flavour that you’re craving. Just don’t overdo it.slicedFruitPlate-lg
  • Nuts
    • Enjoy in moderation because nuts are pretty fatty. That said, some nuts are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which can be beneficial to brain function, which is crucial while preparing for exams. Try to stick to unsalted nuts if at all possible.
  • Fruit Slices
    • As long as your selections are not overly juicy (i.e. apples or firmer mango/melons/pears) and don’t risk getting your hands all sticky, go for it! Fruit contains natural sugars that can help keep you energized without the harm posed by processed sweeteners.


  • Snack on high-fat or high sugar foods
  • Consume foods that can leave hands dirty (Ahem, Cheeto dust)
  • Be too complicated; avoid snacks that require utensils to eat or a lot of preparation
To be Avoided:
  • Potato Chips or Doritos (Sorry)
    • Fatty and guaranteed to get your hands oily or dusty, chips are definitely on the no-no list.
  • Candy or Chocolate
    • candy-bowlPacked with lots of unnecessary refined sugars, not the best choice. However, small squares of dark chocolate are okay because they don’t contain a lot of the sugars that we’re so concerned about.
  • Sticky foods
    • These are messier than they’re worth.
  • Dried fruit
    • Dried fruit actually has a ton of sugar and depending on where you get it, can be full of preservatives. Enjoy in moderation.

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