Studying mistakes you didn’t know you were making


Christmas is over, and it is time for some serious studying (I can feel your pain there!) For people writing diploma exams, this is make or break point. So here are some useful study tips I found while I was planning to study.

Step away from highlighters
To those of you who like to paint printed pages with those fluorescent colors, this can be a hindrance in your studying process. With the ever-popular strategy of highlighting, students often emphasize individual facts rather than making connections between concepts.


Multitasking will screw you up
In other words, multitasking is multi-distracting. Texting, eating, studying and listening to music, all at the same time is going to get you nowhere. Do one task at a time. That way, you will complete the task faster, leaving ample of time for other activities to be completed.


Try being a teacher

When you are learning new concepts and ideas, try to explain those concepts to an imaginary class. I know it sounds insane, but it really works. Try doing it once and you will have that concept nailed in your brain forever.


Link your ideas
Our brain can remember connections better than individual items. Try linking ideas to one another. You need not limit these connections to one subject, rather, inter-subject connections will help you remember more things.


I hope these tips will help you. Set realistic goals and make full effort to achieve those goals. You can do this! Stay positive and…

Keep calm

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