Studying for Diploma Exams: Where To Start?


With diploma exams around a month away, myself and many others have just been hit with the realization, “Holy cow, I have to get studying!” As someone who hates studying with a burning passion (read: doesn’t know how to study without getting bored or distracted within minutes) and can’t find a way to take notes that doesn’t take a ridiculously long time, I tend to use a lot of online resources to review key concepts before exams. These are a few of personal favourites:

YouTube EDU:

With channels like Crash Course, Bozeman Science and Wisecrack, you are sure to find videos to explain every concept you could possibly want a quick and easy lesson in.

 Quest A+ and ExamBank

Most Alberta high school students know about these sites, which are filled with practice exams and old diploma questions. Even though pretty much everyone uses them, that doesn’t mean that they don’t offer valuable study resources, especially for people like me who hate studying by reading and rereading information.

Online Notes:

If you take the time to dig deep enough, there is a treasure trove of notes and study sheets already made for you, like these physics notes. Perhaps not the easiest to get ahold of, I find it useful to go over information that I already know if it’s written in a different way.

Happy studying!

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