Studyblr: the online community promoting academic success


What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of the Internet? Maybe it’s knowledge, technology or possibly… procrastination? Yeah, it happens to the best of us — scrolling through Twitter or checking out the latest in your subscription box on YouTube is just so much more appealing than your social homework.

Maybe that’s what’s so refreshing about the Studyblr community; it’s motivation where you least expect it. That’s right, a whole network of Tumblr blogs dedicated to promoting and getting people excited about studying. So how do they do it? How did this seemingly-niche idea become so popular? I’ve been loosely following the community for a while now, and I think I’ve gained a pretty good idea of just why it has such a surprising appeal.

A huge part of studyblr is the focus on aesthetics. You’ll notice there’s a trend of pretty coloured pens, MacBooks, hot beverages, and, best of all, study snacks. Somehow, a lot of these blogs are able to take what is generally a pretty dull activity (lined paper, textbooks and review packages usually aren’t anyone’s idea of “pretty”) and make it look, well, dare I say appealing?


Also available are networks of support that can be extremely comforting to a student undergoing exam-season anxiety. Sometimes, the scariest part about studying is figuring out how to get started. Many studyblrs create masterposts providing readers with resources on study strategy, productivity, organisation, and stress management, including fun websites for study breaks.

All too often the internet is pegged as a place of negativity, a cesspool of bad habits. Then, every now and again, something like studyblr comes along and proves just how positive social media can be. If you’re interested in finding out more, a great place to start is this list of blogs. A few of my personal favourites also include saturdaystudying, way-to-study, and studivation.

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