To Those Who Struggle


This following bit of text and media are for those who have lived their whole lives fighting one predicament after another, to those who have always wanted to give up but never truly have, because they feel the warmth coming from a small glimmer of hope at the end of the tunnel. This is also a message to those who struggle to find reason to pursue their dreams, the ones who don’t want to wake up in the morning because they feel that all the attempts they make to become someone they want are futile and hopeless. If you are not one of those people, congratulations, best of luck, and maybe I’ll see you at another time.

To those who have stayed, believe me, I know your struggle. Especially when you surround yourself with those that may seem to be more successful that you will ever be. The world seems to crash down on you, and the ground underneath you turns to quicksand, trapping you in a world of despair, fear, helplessness. Nothing goes your way. People may say you are over-dramatic, paranoid, just plain crazy, but you know that it’s just not true. You conceal your feelings from others, holding a strong façade from your true emotions of sorrow, even the closest ones around you are arrogant to the world that is crumbling around you. And at some point, if you don’t so something about it, you lose hope, let go, and fade away. Unfortunately, we all suffer from the same condition, a condition called “life”.

Image result for falling into abyss

I’m no expert, but if I could ever walk up to you and offer you one piece of advice, the amount of wisdom equivalent to a grain of salt, it would be to always keep your inspiration in front of you. Literally. In such a busy world, we often forget what we live for as human beings: some people it’s the small stuff that matters, others say it’s the big dreams in 20 years’ time. Regardless of what keeps pushing you forward, always have it somewhere close, both physically and mentally. Personally, my parents made me write a quote when I was 6 years old, a time when spelling words like “cat” and “dog” were already frustrating enough. You can tell from my chicken-scratch handwriting that I was not mature enough to truly understanding the meaning of all of this, but 10 years later I can.

“Promise yourself to be strong so that nothing can disturb your peace in mind. Look on the bright side of everything and made your optimism come true. Think only of the best, work only for the best and expect only of the best. Forget the mistakes of the past and press on to greater achievements of the future. Give so much improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others. Live so that the whole world is on your side so long that you are true to be the best in you!”

Only 50 some words on a scrap piece of paper became the motto to inspire my every thought and action, more valuable then every bit of advice ever given to me since I was born. I probably sound crazy, in fact I might be, but it’s the small stuff like this that we as beings grasp onto as the little push forward. No, these small tidbits and snapshots of life may not seem like much, and in fact they just might not be, but just like the smallest sips of water or the tiniest morsels of food, they can be enough to keep us going.

So go ahead, finding something valuable to you, anything that has purpose. Photos, words, artwork, even scraps of old memories like mine, and hold then close. Whenever you feel like you’ve lost that connection to your goals, look back, and remember what it is you are fighting for. After all, only the best fighters are the ones who can still walk after being beaten, time and time again.

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  1. I relate to this on a personal level, especially with the pressure of school. Btw, hi Aaron! It’s Ethan from your school.

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