Stressing about Uni- The Ups and Downs


Many of us, including me, are going off to university this year. Whether it be to Waterloo, Queens, Western, McGill, or any other fabulous school, we’re leaving the safe haven of Calgary, where most of us have grown up and lived our whole lives.

We’re going to be living by ourselves, probably in residence, and there’s a whole lot of freedom, but with that comes a lot of responsibility. I’m nervous about university for a few reasons, but overall excited as heck to start a new chapter in my life.

I’m scared because first, I don’t know how to do laundry! Yes yes my mother does it for me, don’t laugh! I’m going to have to learn this summer! Second, I don’t know how to cook (besides Mac and Cheese and the simple sandwich). Good thing I have a meal plan, or I would be screwed! Three, I have this fear that I’m going to fail all my university classes and end up working at McDonald’s (not that there’s anything wrong with that… hehe). Despite these worries, I’m so pumped for university. Here’s the chance to make tons of life-long friends, have a blast, advance my career, and figure out what I want to do!

However, going to university means that I will no longer be in high school (obviously). What am I gonna do without bells, teachers asking me for homework, high school parties, and all the other memories? I’m starting a new chapter and I’m happy about that, but at the same time we have to remember that we’re finishing one as well. However, in this big book of life, there is no (page) turning back, so onwards we go!

Overall, university’s going to be sweet. I’m really excited, and if you have any pointers or questions, just comment below!