Staying Sun Smart


It’s been great being able to finally get some sun and get the opportunity to go outside and soak up the rays. However as nice as it is to spend the day outside, it is important to protect ourselves from the sun. I’ve had some pretty tough experiences with bad sunburns and sun related injuries myself, and obviously, “fun in the sun” becomes well, no longer fun.

Protecting yourself from the harms of the sun can be burdensome, but also extremely crucial. A few of the steps listed below should be taken to help prevent sun damage:

1. Obviously, it is important to always wear sunscreen when out the sun. Use a sunscreen with a minimum of SPF 30, but the greater the better. Remember to generously slather up on every place that is exposed, and reapply every so often according to the instructions on the bottle. It is an especially good idea to reapply after swimming or sweating. Also, putting on SPF lip balm won’t hurt either!

2. Protect your eyes! Make sure to have a pair of sunglasses with UV protection and the ability to block up to around 99-100% of harmful rays.

3. Avoid too much direct exposure during the peak sun hours, around 10 am to 4 pm. Depending on your location, this time may differ drastically, so as a precautionary measure, check your shadow- if it is shorter than you, the sun is at it’s height. Avoid being outside for too long during these hours by seeking cover in the shade or going inside.

4. Don’t be fooled by the temperature! Even if you find the temperature outside on a summer day cooler than expected, be sure to protect yourself as the sun is most intense in the summer months.

5. Always check the UV Index before heading out- it’ll give you an idea of what to expect and help you prepare for protection.

6. Wear dark, tightly knit clothing to add protection against the sun. However, keep in mind that clothing alone won’t give you absolute perfect protection.

7. Wear dark, tightly knit, wide brimmed hats to protect your face and neck area from harmful UV rays.

8. Lastly- be sensible! Don’t stay out the in the sun too long and always be sure to do what you can to avoid sun related injuries. And of course, despite it all, be sure to have fun!