Starbucks Secrets Revealed


Perhaps you’ve read my article from a while back complaining speaking about a few Screen Shot 2013-01-31 at 10.29.11 PMissues I have with ordering drinks at Starbucks.  Well, although a year later I can’t say I’ve become too much more coffee savvy, I can appreciate the variety of drink combinations that the global favourite does offer.  I thought I’d share a few secrets I’ve picked up through the interwebs of some interesting “menu-shy” drinks.

*Note: these drink names are definitely not universal and don’t be surprised at any quizzical looks and promts for a detailed explenation you may recieve when ordering.

For The Sweet Tooth and Pastry Lovers:

  • Cookies and Cream Frappuccino: White Chocolate Mocha Frappuccino with blended java chips and a dollup of peppermint syrup
  • Cinnamon Roll Frappuccino: Vanillia Bean Crème Frappucciono and cinnamon dolce syrup
  • Cake Batter Frappuccino: Vanilla Bean Frappuccino with almond flavouring
  • Biscotti Frappuccino: Blend biscotti with your favourite frapuccino
  • Crunch Berry Frappuccino: Hazlenut or toffee nut syrup combined with a strawberries and cream frappuccino (rumoured to taste like Captain Crunch Cereal)

Animal Inspired:

  • Zebra/Penguin Mocha: A combination of white and dark chocolate                                                                                                                   *for a “bleeding penguin” (sounds horrific, I know), add raspberry flavouring
  • Grasshopper Frappuccino: Mocha frappuccino blended with peppermint syrup and java chips
  • Chocolate Dalmation : White chocolate mocha with java and chocolate chips

Screen Shot 2013-01-31 at 10.30.22 PMUnique Terminiology:

  • Red Eye: One shot of expresso in regular drip coffee
  • Black Eye: Two shots of expresso in regular drip coffee
  • Green Eye: Three Shots of expresso in regular drip coffee
  • Dirty Chai: A chai latte with a shot of expresso
  • Widow Maker: Half iced black tea, half iced black coffee
  • London Fog: Earl Grey Tea blended with vanilla flavour

For the non coffee drinker (not such an anomaly, even at a coffee shop – I’ve prided myself one being one for years):

  • Tazo Blossom Tea: steeped in apple juice instead of water


This is by no means an exclusive list of the various fun combinations you can experiment with at Starbucks.  Good Luck or Buona Fortuna as they would say in Italian!