Stampede 2012 Food Binge: Bacon Sundae Funnel Cake

940 of Food: Bacon Sundae Funnel Cake

Where to Buy: Pennsylvania Dutch Funnel Cakes – located by the Saddledome, underneath the foot bridge.

Cost: $8

What makes it worthwhile:  What a mouthful! I’m talking about its name… the Bacon Sundae Funnel Cake comes with a very Canadian slapshot to the tastebuds. Funnel cake topped with whipped cream, maple syrup and bacon bits. It is rather different, a bit odd to think about at first but once you take a bite or two (or more for that matter) it is actually good! The flavours compliment each other really well, the dough in the cake balances out the sweetness of the syrup and the saltiness of the bacon. All together with the whipped cream, it presents itself with a little burst of flavour with every bite. It’s a shame that the “Sundae” part doesn’t actually come with ice cream, that would have been heavenly in the summer heat.  However, the whipped cream sufficed! Both could melt pretty easily anyways, which the whipped cream did, turning into just a gooey liquid which made it clear that this is meant to be eaten with friends… so that you’d finish quickly! For $8, a group of friends could have a great snack and still be able to get right back onto the Midway.

[youtube jZRMKJtLOE0]