Seven Billion People: Crunching the Numbers


Believe it or not, you’re wrong if you say that Earth has six billion people. It’s about time you round up. The CIA has estimated that the population of the world will be 6,928,198,253 this coming July. Try reading that out loud, it’s quite shocking.  It’s just an issue that no one really pays attention to, we’ve all grown accustomed to saying “six billion” whenever we’re asked. But our world is at the point where increased birth rates and decreased death rates combine to create a skyrocketing number in our population. National Geographic has been doing  a series called “7 Billion.”  Simple yet mind-blowing. Here is a video made by National Geographic just to put this into perspective:

[youtube sc4HxPxNrZ0]

That should really get you thinking, everything seems so tangible and sustainable, yet we’re all choosing not to let that happen!  So remember the year 2011 as the year Earth reaches yet another milestone, the big seven billion; and may we let that milestone be accompanied by a positive forward movement, one where we strive to find balance on this precious planet we call home.