A stream of satisfaction


Before we start, feel free to have a listen to this music as we go along. I usually get infected with the relaxation music brings, and nostalgia from Pokemon music.

Satisfaction is a concept we use in food, but it certainly isn’t a word only used to described the pleasure of savoring the different flavors.  In a broader context, it’s a sense of confidence, fulfillment, and joy gained from cherishing perhaps the different flavours of life. Perhaps this source of contentment forms an ideal state of living, but an ideal world isn’t the only place you can realize satisfying elements of your everyday story.

Satisfaction is a diverse concept; there is no one way to gauge how satisfied you are with your life. Satisfaction is derived from appreciation, however, for something in your life; god knows what that might be for you. For me right now, it’s my new-found friendships with the most valuable people in my life. There’s no laws dictating that it has to be a broad stroke concept; maybe you’re satisfied with our website as you are surfing, learning about the youthful views of our bloggers. Satisfaction is dynamic; we all transition from being nurtured by a source of everyday happiness to one of new excitement, and vice versa.

Satisfaction is the foundation to contentment; living in Canada, we might be satisfied with the social security we might carry, just as an example. I know I’m fine with the route of maturity that I’m taking and I like to let the course of nature just take us on our trip. Satisfaction should not be a barrier in goal-setting, however; just because you might be content with life the way it is doesn’t mean you are not allowed to make goals or plans for the future. In fact, especially for youth, satisfaction for who we are right now allow us to actually look forward to the upcoming life events, especially if this feeling can remove any pounding stress. Satisfaction doesn’t have to come from an ideal path; you and I could be just as happy with the revisions we made along the way, even though perhaps we planned everything with the most satisfying outcome in mind. Satisfaction is dynamic in its nature to pop up at the most unexpected times; there is no way we can predict how fulfilling something is, so we can only cherish it as it arrives.

Cute, eh? (Image source)

Satisfaction allows us to have a voice; this might sound paradoxical to my previous paragraph, but contentment leads to confidence. In turn, this confidence leads us to voice our satisfaction and allow others to learn and to gain their own dose of satisfaction as well. If we are unsatisfied with something, we have the ability to have our opinions heard, such as with the very nature of blogging or a trustworthy friend. Keep in mind though that satisfaction can come at others’ expense; satisfaction, despite a positive feeling, can be derived from actions of a negative nature. We might be satisfied the way we voiced an opinion, yet we might not have considered the effects that others might have on our remarks.

Satisfaction can be achieved regardless of personality, status, and who you are in general. I remember to this day that when I wrote my Security or Poverty series, particularly when I described some of the accounts as found in this report, that many of the seniors in the report carried an underlying sense of determination due to their satisfaction for the improvements they’ve reached. Of course, they may not be satisified with poverty, but they might not label themselves with that term due to their own satisifaction. To this day, even though I was barely out of my writer’s block at the time, I still think seniors in poverty was one of the best topics I’ve tackled thus far.

Satisfaction is always there to be manifested. I look forward to be there to hear your stories about what marvelous things you might be satisfied with. I’m satisfied with my point, and the topics I’ve tackled as a blogger, and the new blog redesign, and being able to meet our wonderful bloggers, and having worked out some interviews for admirable people, and finding some ideas for collaboration, and so on… everyone can go on and on, but the longer the list the merrier. 🙂

Image source.