Run for the Cure raises $25 million




What event can you dress up in all ridiculously pink attire and run around the city without people thinking you are an absolute lunatic? If you answered the annual CIBC run For the Cure, you are right.

Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure is Canada’s largest single-day, volunteer-led event dedicated to raising funds for breast cancer research, education, and awareness programs. It raises awareness and funds for the breast cancer cause. Since it began, the CIBC Run for the Cure has made great strides in expanding its reach and impact, while remaining true to its grassroots and volunteer founders’ vision. Last year, 66 communities across Canada with a total of 130,000 participants gathered for the 2013 Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure to help raise $27 million for the breast cancer cause. The money raised through this event help fund innovative research, health education, and advocacy programs that aim to reduce the incidence and mortality rates of breast cancer and help support women and their families who have experienced the disease. (

The event took place at Southcentre Mall on Oct. 5. This was a super fun event because it was for a great cause. Through the participation in this event this year and the last I really felt the impact that this event had in uniting people all around the city for a common cause. That cause was A FUTURE WITHOUT CANCER. For more info visit

Having participated in the run the last two years I truly feel that it is life changing having been part of such a big national movement and having helped make a difference. I just wanted to share my experience with all of you as it was a very meaningful experience and was also tons of fun.

Below are the top 5 reasons why you should consider participating next year if you haven’t done so before.

And they are off as more than 8,000 people came out on Sunday, Oct. 6, 2013 to take part in the Calgary CIBC Run for the Cure.</p><br /><br />
<p>And they’re off as more than 8,000 people came out on Sunday, Oct. 6, 2013 to take part in the Calgary CIBC Run for the Cure.

1. It is obviously a GREAT CAUSE so why wouldn’t you?

2. Being a dog lover, I’ve gotta say the first reason to join the run is how awesome dogs look during the run. It is the BEST time of year to dress up your dog in a pink tutu and run around the city without people thinking you are crazy.

3. Although I don’t encourage dressing up like this every other day, it is a day to make a fashion statement and hang up bras everywhere in the neighborhood.

4. You have a reason to hang out with your friends on a weekend and hit the mall after (especially true if you are in IB and have an unbelievable amount of homework to do).

5. Although I am not much of a runner, it is a great reason to get myself out of my chair and get some exercise. Being slower than the stroller pushers really does motivate you to pick up the pace run although I had to stop at the cookie station for recharge, and I am seriously when I say cookie station. I don’t think any other run does this so if you have a sweet tooth and love to eat cookies this just the event for you!

These are the top five reasons why you should participate in Run for the Cure next year. I hope the post has motivated you to come out to the run next year as well and help with the battle against breast cancer!

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