Royalty in today’s society


Prince GeorgeNo, this post is not going to be about the christening of Prince George, Will and Kate’s newborn baby. Today, I will be writing about the hype that royalty creates in our society, and I have a bone to pick with that.

It is a primitive idea to thing that you get to be born into royalty. As advanced as we are not, I do not agree with the whole “royalty” thing that exists in many countries (such as Britain, Belgium, Spain, and many African/Middle Eastern countries), because it gives the reinforcement that some people are just born better than you. We already have enough of that with some kids being born wealthier than others, but do we really need to give them that venerated title of “royal?”

Basically, I find it unfair that, in three months, Prince George has gotten more fame, wealth, and publicity than I have in 16 years.

I know that some may argue that tradition is the main reason why Britain keeps its monarchy. I love tradition, don’t get me wrong, but when it inherently places somebody as more important than someone else, then it becomes a problem.

The concept of “royal” dates back to ancient times. Royals were royal because they had a special connection with God. They got the power, the wealth, and the glory because they were holy. Nowadays, people don’t think like that anymore.

I believe that special privileges and statuses should come with hard work, skill, and talent. Sure, some people have a better chance of achieving this, but it is definitely more fair than simply being born a prince.

I am a Canadian. I love Canada; it’s the best country in the world. I’m not trying to disrespect our monarchy (even though we don’t really have one), but I really do like the idea of voting for your representatives, your mayors, and your prime minister. They got to where they are now with hard work and campaigning. Then again, anybody can wish for a democracy in every country. In fact, Britain’s monarchy does not compare to the dictatorship run in North Korea. Maybe I shouldn’t be complaining.

However, I would like to hear other people’s argument to the idea of royalty. I know that many hold a different opinion than I. Comment down below if you want to voice your opinion, maybe make me change my mind.