Procrastination: ‘Nuff Said


Hmmm… if you say it really slow, it almost sounds like the word naïve. Try it: P-R-O-C-R-A-S-T-I-N-A-T-I-O-N. Procrastination itself is most peoples’ vice, from adults to children. Oh and did I mention STUDENTS? Honestly, the youth of today are especially subject to it and I myself can admit to viewing procrastination as an impending doom. I hear myself say things like – “I’ll do it later…in a couple of hours…nah, tomorrow sounds just fine” at which point the task at hand just never gets done.  Now that summer has arrived, I find myself procrastinating to finish all those projects that I – surprise, surprise – put off for the summer.  If this sounds like you, maybe you can relate to this cute little poem, (written anonymously) which I found here.

Procrastination is my curse,
It brings me so much sorrow.
Course I can quit most any time –
In fact, I will! Tomorrow!

And perhaps this cartoon makes even more sense to you:

Now I could help you fix this annoying problem, but I think I’ll save that for a later date.