Poetry: Parables of T. S. Elliot


I felt so inspired by the poem “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” by T. S. Elliot (a 20th century poet), I wrote a “poetic response” to it:

When the evening is spread out against the sky,

When feelings and emotions are flying high.

Why so intricate and obscure?

When I disturb the universe so vast,

When I feel the seconds racing past.

Why so unexplainable and indescribable?

When I see moments of greatness extinguished,

When I see myself invisible in the eyes of those distinguished.

Why is fairness part of life yet the rain falls on the just and the unjust?

When I hear those disembodied voices in my ear,

When I see those fragile hearts fill with fear.

Is to be brave really to sense fear yet be able to overcome it?

Should I create a new identity or slay an old,

Should I see if the earth is worth its weight in gold?

Should I condense the galaxies and watch the effect,

Or should I measure my life out in coffee spoons and see the grains connect?

Afternoons and coffee spoons,

Yellow fog and midnight moons…


  1. “Do I dare?” Oh how I loved reading the poem the Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock. This is a really great poetic response to a poem of a man too nervous to experience life.

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