A personal bucket list


Sadly we are not going to live forever, I mean nothing is bound to exist forever and neither are we. Humans have a limited time in this world and that my friend is our existence’s bitter truth. And in that limited time we have in this world we get to decide how we spend it. We could choose to waste it and lead a boring and uneventful life, or we can choose to experience life for its beautiful and majestic wonders. I personally prefer the second choice, I want to live life, go on adventures, and have high blood pressure because my heart is always beating twice as fast as the person next to me who doesn’t appreciate the world for what it is.

And before I die I have a bucket list that I must fulfill, things I must experience, adventures I must go on, the hidden surprises of life that I must be able to feel and cherish. Thus I have decided to share with you a few items on my list that may inspire you to also create a bucket list, and truly experience life for its beauty. Pain too, is beautiful darlings.

1) Embark on a humanitarian trip in a developing country. Giving back and helping others gives me a different kind of happiness, it brings me joy and peace. I gain insight and it reminds me to be grateful for the life I have. I would love to help those who aren’t as fortunate as we are in Canada, I would love to change a life, bring a smile to someones face who perhaps has forgotten to, and lessen the burden of poverty from those people that struggle because of it.


2) Get a script as an actor which has the ability to send a meaningful message out to the viewers along with touching their hearts. I would love to perform a piece of beautiful art that has the ability to make someone want to better their life, make amends for their mistakes, or rekindle lost hope. I would love to play a character that not only teaches me how to live, but inspires others in their everyday lives.


3) Be madly in love and have my own happily ever after. What girl wouldn’t want to be in love and be loved back? What girl wouldn’t want to be in love with her very own Prince Charming? We all need love in our lives, and I believe if you love someone you should love them with your whole heart and soul.


4) Master contemporary dancing. I’ve always found contemporary dancing beautiful, elegant, and graceful.. all of which I aspire to be. The stories told by contemporary dancing have always touched my soul. Dancing to me has always taken me to a different world, it allows me to be free when I feel like a caged bird. The art of contemporary will perhaps even allow me to show you that through the graceful movements of my body. One day, I aspire to master the art of contemporary dancing.


5) Swim with dolphins. Yes first I would have to learn how to swim, however imagine how wonderful it would be to swim amongst the most beautiful of the marine life. To be aware of every breathe you take and your synchronization with the dolphins. Losing yourself to the rhythm of your strokes, while looking at the majestic beauty and elegance of the dolphin. The ability to be able to live life with ease alike to how they do.


So that’s it, a few items from my very long yet do able bucket list. Perhaps all of these things may not happen, but it is my responsibility to at very least try, try to make these dreams come true.

“Life is pure adventure and the sooner we realize that, the quicker we will be able to treat life as art.” Maya Angelou 

Picture sources: http://www.travelandleisure.com/images/amexpub/0004/7445/cambodia-gap-advent-200810-ss.jpg, http://nicolesargent.me/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Acting-acting-26598086-1200-954.jpg, http://th06.deviantart.net/fs48/PRE/i/2009/215/9/8/Happily_ever_after_by_jucylucyinspired.jpg, http://mommypoppins.com/files/imagecache/full/images/best-swim-with-dolphins-dolphin-cove-jamaica.jpg, http://streetsaheaddance.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/lose-yourself-in-dance.png