My four biggest pet peeves


Today, I thought I’d share four things that I absolutely despise…

1. When a person can’t whisper


I find it extremely annoying when I come across someone who just doesn’t seem to know how  to whisper! The point of whispering is to communicate “classified” information to another person without anyone else hearing. I’ve come across several people who whisper extremely loudly. It gets even worse when the person that is whispering to you is talking about another individual that happens to be right beside you. And if he doesn’t know how to whisper, then the person that is “being talked about” will hear every single bit of your conversation.

2. When a person talks with their mouth full


To begin, this picture doesn’t really show someone talking with their mouth full, but you get the idea. I just thought it would be a bit gross if I put up a picture with someone talking with their mouth full. Anyways, I really do hate it when a person eats with their mouthful. To begin, you can barely hear a word their saying with all that food in their mouth. The worst part is when little bits and pieces of their chewed up food flies onto your face/body. I get the chills just thinking about it. Yuck.

3. Being put with lazy people for group projects


I wouldn’t necessarily consider this to be a pet pet peeve, but I do not like it at all!! It drives me crazy! During group projects at school, you’ll always come across the lazy person in your group who gives you all of his or her work. If you’re one of those people who wants to do well (like me), you’re going to have to accept the fact that you’re doing double the amount of work you’re supposed to. The worst thing is that person who did nothing gets the credit for the work you did. It gets even worse. You might have other members in the group who completed their work, but at a very low standard. Even though you did everything you could, you still end up with a poor mark. All I have to say is that group work can either be absolutely amazing, or absolutely dreadful. If you end up with diligent students, then you’re in luck. If you end up doing everything, I feel your pain. This alone definitely has to my most annoying pet peeve.

4. When a person can’t keep a secret!



Big mouths… I really, really don’t like them. It usually plays out like this: You tell a person that you know something really cool, or something he is unaware about. You end up telling him, but restate numerous times to not let anyone else know about this classified information. But in the end, he breaks this promise and word spreads around the entire school. It gets even worse when you tell him something again, and he does the same thing again! These days, its really hard to find people who keep secrets.