My favourite bands


It’s clear to see that most people in our society are consumed by music. And why wouldn’t they be? Music takes the edge off of a hard day; it helps you fall asleep and brings up your adrenalin when you need it most on those last few meters of running.

Music takes a huge role in my life as well. It inspires me in every aspect of my life.

I thought I’d share with you two of my favourite bands.


Incubus is a rock genre band consisting of five fantastic members. The band itself has been around since 1991, producing over 20 albums, EPs and singles. Their music is sure to leave you with your eyes closed, head bobbing and foot tapping.

Southern Girl

[youtube HlBtp7QO1Cg]

Matthew Good Band

Matthew Good is an independent artist. You can find out more about his music here.

MGB is an alternative rock band formed in BC (1993-2002). I strongly recommend listening to this band’s music, they won’t disappoint.


[youtube oEgxy3sBFmE]

Symbolistic White Walls

[youtube k5f4Na2xTgU]