How to get up in the morning


As ridiculous as this topic sounds, I bet it hits pretty close to home.

Since summer’s dragging on we’ve started to become sluggish in the mornings. All the drive of this summer being “The Best and Most Productive Summer Ever” has probably run empty, just like every other summer. However, not all hope is gone! This is the long stretch that determines whether or not we had a productive summer, and step one is waking up in the morning.


1. Sticky Notes

Ludicrous, I know. But trust me, surprisingly it works. If you find yourself being a particularly stubborn sheep, fence yourself in! Create a “trail” of sticky notes that herds you to your destination in the morning.  The upside to this technique is that if you don’t follow them, you’ll feel a terrible sense of shame and discomfort every time you see your sticky note!

2. A Schedule

This one is similar to the sticky notes. Put at least a good 15 minutes to mapping out your day tomorrow. You don’t have to follow it exactly, but it provides a useful voice in your head that says “There’s a schedule to follow!” It’s also helpful to make them have little alarms when the next activities nearing, so if you realize and aberration, a little ring will have you swimming in guilt!

3. Hiding Your Distractions
I find this one particularly helpful. This summer I’ve hidden some “time passers” around the house to keep them away from me! “Out of sight, out of mind,” holds true for me.

There’s no doubt you’ll feel silly when doing these, but trust me, the personal embarressment will fade by the first personal accomplishment!