Meet Daynia Nelson, Diligent Troll Master


Never, never, never give up

-Winston Churchill.

YAA:  Despite only having attended Lester B Pearson High School for five months, Daynia Nelson has caused a noticeable ripple in Pearson’s fine arts program, being actively involved in the choir and drama program. This happy-go-lucky youth with unyielding and compassionate enthusiasm makes even the most dour youths and adults break into smiles. A glowing personality and a kind heart certainly attracts many to Daynia, yet this amazing youth remains down-to-earth and chooses to exercise earnest humility in her lifestyle. Being brave, bold, and a confident youth, Daynia didn’t hesitate in formulating and recounting her own epic legacy.

So read on to find out more about Pearson graduate Daynia Nelson, Diligent Troll Master, and her bubbly opinions and advice on self discovery, life and success.

Daynia:  I’ve only been a student at Lester B Pearson for five months, but it wasn’t long enough. Those five months weren’t the easiest, but I still loved attending Pearson. For the short time I attended Pearson, I became an active member in concert choir and landed myself a role as a male troll in Pearson’s main stage, One Act Play. The acting part proved quite difficult, as I had to learn how to move like a gorilla, cat, bird and a Tarzan mix, while trying not to look like a bowled-over dinosaur.

Throughout high school, I was also involved in show choir (similar to GLEE, but not quite!), drama club, and many other theatrical productions. I struggled in my early years of high school, trying to figure out my passions and interests. So I joined clubs, teams and casts to figure out what worked for me. So get involved! Your high school experience only gives out what you put into it!

Daynia: I tried out Family and Career Leaders of America, drama club, foreign language club and science club. I took a variety of options in high school: art, architecture, psychology and sewing. I explored athletics by joining track. Although I did not particularly enjoy track, it definitely got me into a healthier lifestyle, as I appreciated running more. I also joined a fitness centre during high school. I took advantage of the group fitness classes offered, as it gave me time to socialize and work out at the same time. The things I tried that didn’t work just brought me one step closer to reveal what I did enjoy. One thing in high school that did click for me was drama. I didn’t find this out until the spring of my Grade 11 year, but I was able to excel through dedication, determination and hard work. I have never been good at picking up choreography, but I enjoy dancing. I find it freeing to express myself through dance.

Daynia: This year I will be attending the University of Calgary and majoring in nursing. I want to become a nurse so that I can assist people any way I can. I also have an intense interest in biology and have no fear of catheters, needles or blood. I hope to work specifically as a psychiatric nurse, because of my interest in mental health – but who knows what I’ll really end up doing. That’s the beauty of life, not knowing what’s going to happen and shaping your own future.

Daynia: I don’t volunteer on a regular basis, but I am always happy to help. I did have a friend who invited me to volunteer with her at a life care center to give manicures to elderly women, and it was quite fun and interesting. I’ve done anything from helping out in the Special Olympics to picking up garbage in my neighborhood. Sometimes volunteer work doesn’t have to go documented for a club or school for it to have meaning in your life. Service can be very rewarding in itself without the acknowledgment of others.  It can even be as little as listening to the woman on the bus telling you about how teaching is the profession to go into these days, even though you know her facts are not quite right.

Daynia: I am also active in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I have a strong faith in it and hope to serve a mission for the church for 18 months when I turn 21. That way I can help others learn about our church and teach them about what makes me happy. If giving up my life for 18 months isn’t volunteer work, I don’t know what is. Thanks for allowing me to tell you a little about myself!