Laugh it off



Exams coming up
Overtime at work
Relationships not working out = STRESS

Whenever stress builds up, extra weight just sits on our shoulders. We should be able to shrug that weight and stress away. So, today I will be writing about how humour has helped me to reduce my stress levels. Fingers crossed that it could do the same for you!

I’ve learned that humour is an efficient way to help reduce stress. Laughing and smiling definitely makes me feel better during my stressful times. Laughing feels like drinking a glass of water after a long run outside.  It satisfies me and makes me feel better. I guess, in a way, whenever I laugh or smile, I am telling my mind that everything is looking pretty well right now. Think of this as manipulating your brain, in a good way. The happiness will make ourselves believe in happier and more positive thoughts. All the goodness will eventually weigh out the badness. This “manipulation” works, so long as it makes you feel better about whatever you were stressing out about. Try to make a joke about the amount of exams you have, think of a funny moment you have experienced at work, or think about the great times that you have had with your loved one. I’m sure that something will ignite laughter. I’m sure that that laughter will aid to remove the stress.

I have found two websites that explains how humour can help with stress:

9 Ways Humor Heals -This website will explain ways on how humour not only helps to reduce stress but how humour can also help us to make our daily lives better.

The American Physiological Society Press Release – This website explains the more science-related information on how humour aids in reducing stress.

“Stressed is just desserts spelled backwards.” -Unknown

Hopefully that, at the very least, made you smile. Remember to laugh the stressful things off. Extra stress weight is not worth much at all! Now, maybe it’s time for dessert?