Kitchen and Food tips for… your skin?


I’ll admit it, I’m not a self-proclaimed fashionista. I don’t wear make-up, I wear my hair in a pony everyday, and baggy t-shirts and sweatpants are a go-to for me. That doesn’t mean that I don’t enjoy reading about make-up… This brings me to the perfect compromise (for anyone), skin-care made from common elements of a fridge or kitchen. Why pay the big bucks for brand name lotions and anti-aging serums when you already have all the ingredients in your own homes? Don’t think that this post is gender-oriented either – who doesn’t like a guy with moisturized lips? These also make great gifts if you have mason jars or other attractive methods to contain the solutions.

1. Anti-Dandruff Serum


It’s winter, and because it is Calgary, it’s going to be cold and dry until…late March? With this weather often comes dry skin and dandruff, but why spend the big bucks on anti-dandruff shampoos that don’t work? For example, when I was in Nepal I decided to try someone else’s shampoo since I didn’t want to take the full 3 minute trek across the street back to my own washroom. Little did I know that using Head and Shoulders when you have little to no dandruff is NOT a good idea. Needless to say, I had dandruff for a couple of weeks even after using my own shampoo (gross!). This is just my own personal experience, and even though this home remedy sounds a LITTLE weird, it definitely works. I’m also not sure how accurate Amazon is for determining prices of hair products, but apparently  it costs over $100.00 (on Amazon at least!).

You begin with a bottle of Listerine (original formula) and baby oil – in equal excess (1:1 ratio). The volume may change depending on how often you intend to use this method, taking into consideration it may take a few days to be in full effect. After mixing the two products, lie with your head over the edge of the tub or sink to collect any drippings and carefully apply the product to your scalp. Try to keep the solution on your scalp opposed to your hair. Leave the product in for a few minutes and then shampoo out!

2. Delicious Lip Scrubs


With winter and dandruff comes the inevitable chapped and dry lips. The biting Calgary air practically sucking the moisture from your lips. One way to get rid of these dry lips is to use “lip scrubs” which help you to scrub the dead skin from your lips. It doesn’t sound that attractive, but the result is smooth and moisturized lips. There are so many different types of lip scrubs, but I’ll describe one of my favourites. If you’re not into something sweet like this, I recommend doing your own searches online.

This recipe calls for one teaspoon of brown sugar, one teaspoon of honey, and one teaspoon of olive oil or petroleum jelly. (You can vary the amounts if you want to save more or less for the future – an empty lip chap container or if you think you can use all of it, a mason jar, works well) First, mix the brown sugar and honey until you have a sticky paste – rub it onto your lips and leave for several minutes. Use a soft washcloth to then gently scrub your lips. Rinse, and apply either lip balm or the petroleum jelly/olive oil.


3. Refreshing Body Scrub

I know, I know… Similar to the lip scrub, I know that scrubbing dead skin might not sound the most appealing, but the result is worth it! Survive Calgary winters with smooth and lemony skin.

For this recipe, you’ll need 1 lemon, 5 tablespoons sea salt and 1 tablespoon of olive oil. In a bowl, mix together the sea salt and olive oil until it’s thoroughly combined. Then squeeze and the lemon juice into the mix. You can even mash up the lemon or add the zest for a more lemony scent. In my opinion, you should always have a few small mason jars or jam jars around to fill with body scrubs or other concoctions. Fill a mason jar with this mix for the perfect gift – just add a ribbon!