My 2015 Back to School Survival Guide


As the summer winds down and the most exciting parts of school (donning your best outfits, finally seeing all your friends again!) start to lure us in, one dark cloud hangs over it allthe stress and anxiety that seem to be an inevitable part of the high school experience. Gone are the luxurious days of sleeping in until noon, and I’ll admit, my looming IB deadlines and early-morning band rehearsals are making that sacrifice look even less appealing. However, there is a lot that can be done to make your school day more manageable, and I thought I’d share some of my top tips!

Tip #1: Always have your essentials with you


School is already a stressful place, and when you have long, busy days, the last thing you want hindering you is an empty stomach, cramps, or a headache. I’m a huge believer in keeping a box of granola bars in the locker, and I know most people keep a few Tylenol in their bag, but having just a few extra items can keep you feeling really on top of things. 

I keep a little blue bag filled with anything I might need throughout the day and I can’t tell you how many times it’s come to the rescue. I’ve supplied so many classmates with everything from band-aids to lotion to tea. Pick a pocket in your bag and dedicate it to your most-needed items— you’ll wonder how you ever lived without it!

Tip #2: Avoid decision fatigue


Yes, decision fatigue is a real problem that leaves most of us burned out by the end of the day. School is already an overstimulating environment, so anything you do to limit the amount of decisions you have to make early in the morning will help you stay sharper throughout the day. 

I try to plan out my week’s lunches and breakfasts on the weekend, but that can be really hard to keep up. To make this easier, I write a list of my go-to meals and keep it on hand to quickly make a plan for what I’ll be eating each day. You can also keep this list in the kitchen so when the plan goes out the window and you’re packing a school lunch late at night or frantically making breakfast in the morning, a quick glance will remind you of your options.

Tip #3: Find an organization system that works for YOU


Don’t worry, I’m not about to give you the “use an agenda” lecture. If that is what works for you, great! However, if what keeps you busiest are events that recur each week (regular dance classes, club meetings, etc), it might not be the most effective to write that into your agenda month after month. For some alternatives, check out the bullet journal method, try using your phone calendar, or use one of these handy apps. At the end of the day, it’s about finding a way to keep on top of things that is suited to your life and habits.

I like the Moleskine agenda because it provides a place for me to write down all of my commitments and keep a running to-do list for the week. To supplement that, I always have the app Clear ready to go on my phone for when I think of something I need to do when I’m out and about, and I use sticky notes as miscellaneous reminders scattered around my desk and binder.

Above all, school is place that you come to learn, but it’s important for you to make that experience as easy and enjoyable as possible! These my strategies for an organised + productive school year, but feel free to share some of your own back to school tips using the hashtag #BTSwithYAA

All pictures used are my own



  1. Ooh! I just started a bullet journal. Great tips, I’m definitely going to be keeping some essentials in my locker. And… tea?

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