It’s Coming Soon!!!


The Multicultural Youth Health and Well-Being Conference is only weeks away!

You may have seen my earlier post for this event and thought to yourself “I’ll sign up next week”. But somehow, next week was about a month ago (oops). 😉

It’s not too late to still register! If you are interested in attending this incredible event, PLEASE SIGN UP!!
Please contact Linda Kongnetiman at 403-955-7742 or at

Don’t put it off any longer! The total price is $10 for the whole day–breakfast, lunch, snacks and awesome free stuff (!) are included. And being at the Hyatt, the food will be incredible (trust me).

Along with incredible sessions, keynotes and gaming/dance session, I will be the Youth Emcee! I am super excited, and cannot wait for this incredible experience 😀

Call Linda and get your name on the list! Hope to see you there!

Click here for the link to the brochure and poster 🙂