In-Person Learning is Still Happening in Alberta


Despite the large amount of Omicron variant cases, students in Alberta are still learning in-person. Among many students, this is causing an up rise in distress and confusion. Consequently, schools have been implementing practices to lower stress levels in these times.

 What Schools are Doing

  • Many schools in Alberta are making their student’s final exams “No Jeopardy”. This “No Jeopardy” means that the grade on the exam is unable to lower the student’s average. However,  if the student grades well on the exam, it can raise the student’s average. The act of making exams “No Jeopardy” creates the idea of it being an “optional” exam.
  • Rapid tests and mask distribution. Educational institutes across Alberta are being provided with said resources to be distributed to those attending. Hence another layer of protection against the Omicron variant.
  • Earlier, Alberta Education extended the winter break of students, as Omicron was at an all time high.

How Students are Reacting

  • As a student myself, I would like to put my 2 cents in. Honestly, I think its on the reckless side of things. In contrast to what Alberta is doing, nearly every other province in Canada has resorted to online learning. Furthermore, rules implemented in the CBE about the requirements to come to school are quite lenient. For example, one of my close friends came in contact with a Covid-19 carrier, yet she did not show symptoms, but her test was positive. Instead of the two week quarantine, she was instructed to quarantine for a week– because she did not show symptoms.
  • On the contrary, many youth prefer in-person learning. The interaction and convenience of being inside of a building is a lot more familiar than staring at a screen for eight hours. Being able to speak one on one without awkward misconceptions through email/messaging is a gift that in-person learning gives us. On top of that, the change of scenery from a home environment is a great mental health booster.

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