How To Avoid Burnout


What is burnout? Although the term is quite often used in various scenarios, most don’t actually understand what it means and what it entails. Simply put, burnout is characterized as emotional exhaustion, a decreased sense of self/accomplishment in one’s job and depersonalization. This trio is what makes up the term “burnout.” Usually, burnout is derived from long-term exposure to stress due to an extended inability to cope/meet demands.

Burnout can affect people emotionally, physically and behaviorally. They may experience sleep deprivation, a drop in concentration levels, lack of enjoyment in everyday things, changes in their eating habits, lack of productivity and an increased risk for illnesses due to a weakened immune system. This process also occurs over stages where it begins with small effects daily, to creating chronic symptoms to those affected; psychiatric and physical health disorders.

Some ways to avoid this chronic health disorder are to:

  1. Get enough sleep
  2. Exercise regularly
  3. Eat a balanced diet
  4. Re-evaluate goals/expectations often
  5. Create self-care times
  6. Reduce/eliminate unnecessary work/loads to minimize stress
  7. Create/have a support system to rely on

Burnout is a serious condition, but once you recognize the symptoms, identify what is causing them and take appropriate action to reduce the issues – it can be treated. Don’t be afraid to talk to somebody, whether it’s friends, family or your superior at work. Burnout may be difficult to overcome, however, it is possible.


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