Hot Entertainment for a Chilly Evening- Live Music, Anyone?

Courtesy of the Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra

I hear dead people… YOU can too.

Brilliant composers may be dead but you can still hear their music-LIVE. Cpossbilites is great program, with FREE membership, for people aged 15 to 29, that offers tickets for $12 to go out and see fabulous performances by the Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra, live. These concerts are definitely wondrous and breathtaking, and with the Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra consisting of over 65 world-class musicians, it is simply an unforgettable experience!

So experience beautiful symphonic performances by registering  online and becoming a member of Cpossbilites, which is absolutely free! By only spending a fraction of the cost on great concert seats, don’t skip out on spending the saved expenses on turning this great evening into a possible date night-time to whip out those dress shirts and dresses! Visit the CPO’s website for more information.


  1. Figuratively. The beautiful music of Beethoven, Liszt, Mozart, Chopin, Bach, etc. lives on through their compositions and are the closest we can ever get to experiencing their lives and the composers themselves. Yes, we do listen to dead people together at these exceptional concerts =)

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