Here comes the Sun


Finally summer- like weather has arrived to Calgary and hopefully it will stick around for awhile. With nice weather comes a lot of time spent out in the sun. In moderation the sun provides a great source of vitamin D, it can uplift your mood and give a nice glowing tan.

On the other hand, excess sun exposure cause sun burns, skin cancer, some eye diseases, suppress immune system and ages the skin faster! We all know sun protection is important regardless what age but it is especially during youth. Once the damage is done it is irreversible so the key is to protect and prevent early on.

[youtube kmqhzG8QamU ]

~Apply a generous amount of sun screen with at least SPF 15 ( SPF 30 is recommended) and reapply every two hours.

~Stay in shaded areas/ avoid going out between 10AM- 4PM (this is pretty difficult but remember the sun’s rays are the strongest during these times so cover up and don’t stay out in direct sunlight for too long.)

~Wear hats, long sleeve clothing and sun glasses (make sure it is 100% UV protection).

~Avoid tanning and falling asleep outside.

[youtube cV2FFfV5-4I ]

Generally there is an UV index on weather websites and programs which will give you an idea of how strong the UV levels are and the amount of sun protection you would need for the day.  Don’t think that since it is cloudy you don’t need to sun protection.  60%-80% of the rays still go through clouds!

Keep these in mind before you go enjoy the sun . 🙂


  1. Great article! However, luckily, I don't burn, I tan. But great heads up! I love the Youtube video and now I'm sure to head to the shopping market for some sun screen!

  2. Haha thanks Lisa =) I don't burn either!though this could be a blessing in disguise since I stay out longer because I don't burn D:

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