Girls and Beauty – YOGA and Dieting


Few weeks ago, my sister told me to do some YOGA with her every night. Since I was considering trying out a new fitness regimen, I said yes immediately. As me and my sister, most teenage girls (and boys!) are interested in getting fit.

Getting fit and healthy is often encouraged by those in the mainstream but the biggest reason to do it is to stay healthy.  Obesity is a serious health issue that affects nearly 30% of the population in North America in Today’s society. Obese individuals have a higher than normal rate of hypertension, Type2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, gallbladder diseases, etc and even some types of cancers.

There’s 10 Tips to make balance your body.

  • Find out how many calories you need. —— BMR(basal Metabolic Rate)=Bodyweighr(lb) * 15 + (moderate activity [min/day] * 3.5) since you wish to lose ewight, your target = BMR-500kcal
  • Eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day.
  • Be aware of your portion size.
  • Do Not Skip the Meals.
  • Go for wholesome fresh foods.
  • Don’t be overly restrictive.
  • Understand Food Claims and Labels.
  • Watch for sugary drinks. —— juices, soda, cream & sugar in your coffee or tee all add up. Opt for drinking at least 8 glasses of water/day.
  • Keep a food journal.
  • Exercise, period. —— there’s nothing important than do some regular exercise to losing weight and reduce the side effect of diet.
[youtube MFfIoU_-0Ds&feature=related]

also, try to follow this YOGA tape if you interest in losing weight with YOGA.

[youtube CTZIGHg-9MA&feature=related]



  1. kk Thank you. Im glad you like it.

    you should try those direction and plz let me know if it works.

  2. There are some great shows on TV which cover subject such as teenage obese but most of us don't have time to watch them so it's good that we can find information like this on the net.

  3. From someone who's been hugely overweight and not only survived it but overcome it to become fit and healthy I was very interested to see what you had to say in your post . We really need to address the issues of teenage obese before it's too late.

  4. I think that so too.

    Some people are really thin but they still think they are fat but other people are extremely fat but they hard to decide to get start a diet.

    Since this came thru our serious problem in now days, I hope everybody can realize it=>

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