Four things to do this summer


As we all know, summer is arriving! Many of us will be busy with all kinds of different things, from visiting your relatives overseas, to just sitting down and watching TV. Today, I will look at some of the great things you can do to make excellent use of your summer time.

1. Relax


For the past 10 months, you have been working extremely hard (hopefully). You’ve been staying on top of your schoolwork, participating in competitions, practicing an instrument, playing a sport, volunteering, and joining various school clubs. Finally, summer has come! So sit back and relax. You’ve been so busy for a majority of the year, and you just haven’t had time to relax. Summer is a great because you don’t have any work to do, and you can lounge around all day. This can help relieve stress. You also get to sleep in, which many of us are probably looking forward to!

2. Get outside


We live in Calgary, where the weather is very unpredictable. For most of the year, it’s either snowing, raining, or the leaves might be falling. When summer hits Calgary, there’s nothing better. Our wonderful city looks just fantastic in the summer; blue sky, green grass, swaying trees. Many people vacation during the summer, but I would personally prefer vacationing during the school year (winter/spring break) to escape winter, and stay in Calgary during the summer! Calgary has one of the best pathway systems in all of North America, so I would strongly recommend biking or walking. Spend time with your friends and play some sports. Summer only lasts for two months, so you should try to make the most of it.

3. Volunteer!


If you aren’t planning on vacationing, why not spend you’re free time volunteering? I’m not saying to volunteer every single day and kill yourself, just do it as you please. There’s nothing better than dedicating your time for the benefit of others. I would personally recommend volunteering in an outdoor environment, since it is summer. This way, you can get the reward of helping others while enjoying the amazing weather. As a matter of fact, I plan on volunteering as a Mountain Bike Assistant at Winsport Canada myself.

4. Set goals


Setting goals plays a major part in having success in the future! Learn from your mistakes. For example, you might have been a lazy person who never finished their work this year. You might plan on fixing this for next year, and you can achieve this with a little determination and will-power. What have you learned this year that will help you change for next year. If you weren’t involved in extra-curricular activities, you might want to try that next year. If you were playing video games too much, try limiting your screen time. It’s all about you, and what you feel needs to be done differently. If you want to be successful in the future, then start setting goals.