Flash Mob in Calgary!!!


That’s right. On August 21, Calgarians will have their opportunity to make a fool of themselves. Organized by the Audio Mob YYC organization, you can go to Prince Edward Island Park around 2 p.m. and play an audio file on your MP3 player (note how I didn’t simply say “iPod” since there’s more out there to purchase, y’know!). According to the website:

At exactly 2 pm, everyone will play the audio file all at once. The narrator will tell everyone to carry out weird and hilarious instructions, while those not with the program scratching their heads in confusion.

So join the organization on Facebook, and read their blog! I guarantee it’ll be fun 🙂

Oh, and if you’re wondering, here’s the inspiration (watch the rest of Improv Everywhere‘s videos!)

[youtube kVuVhcdQs0k]


  1. I would love to get into something like this.. Ive been seeing alot of the flash mobs around calgary but only on youtube I love danceing and haven a good time.. If you can imform me with more information on how or who I can contact to get started in a flash mob that would be soooooo cooool!

    Thank’s Jerilee H

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