Festive foods: Sugar cookies


For how delicious fruitcake and gingerbread are, when baking for an event there will always be those fussy eaters who just don’t like the texture or spice-filled flavour. That’s when sugar cookies come in, an easy and delicious alternative or addition to one’s holiday spread. For my sugar cookies I used one of the many of Martha Stewart recipes, and I would definitely go to the same one again in the future.

That being said, I made a double batch which I probably wouldn’t do again, a recipe calling for four cups of flour which is then doubled made for a lot of work cutting out shapes (think over an hour on a batch of

Even Santa can't resist a delicious plate of sugar cookies
Even Santa can’t resist a delicious plate of sugar cookies

cookies) and gave my pretty solid kitchen-aid stand-mixer a run for it’s money. That being said, the cookies turned out chewy and delicious. For a more doughy cookie, simply roll out the dough thicker, and for a crisper cookie roll it out thicker. While this will vary the time your cookies take to bake, keeping an eye on them and taking them out when the edges begin to turn golden will work just great.

These cookies are great for small children, they are mild in flavour and because of their sugary texture tend to be universally enjoyed. I took some of these to a school Christmas party and long before the party’s end they were all missing, so they must be good!

For tips on using cookie-cutters effectively see my blog on gingerbread cookies.