Enjoying October with The Cheesecake Cafe’s Pumpkin Praline Cheesecake


In light of October everything is pumpkin. The classic pumpkin pie is now accompanied by soap, coffee, cupcakes, and more; including The Cheesecake Cafe‘s Pumpkin Praline Cheesecake. October’s feature cheesecake sounded too good to pass up, so I ate light before ordering dessert (theres nothing worse than being to full to finish something so delicious!).

Yes the cheesecake tasted pumpkin-y, but I did find it didn’t distinctly resemble cheesecake enough for my liking (me being one who loves the taste of a really strong cheesecake). I suppose this could be good, if your not the hottest on cheesecake but you want to try this one. Although that being said, it did still have a faint cheesecake flavour. I didn’t dislike the cake, I thought it was pretty tasty over all.

My biggest complaint was the texture. I’m not usually one to be put off by texture, and by no means was I put off here, but I found the cake a little soft for cheesecake, a little bit closer to the texture of pumpkin pie, rather than a cheesecake. Which is all well and good, unless you anticipated eating something with the texture of cheesecake. Also, as always, I would have liked to taste more spicing in the cake. Lastly, I found there was way too much icing, and it was too sweet, overwhelming the more delicate flavours of the cake.

Overall, a little less icing, more spices, and more cheesiness and this cake would have been to die for. None the less, it is a rather festive dessert, yummy and pumpkin-y overall, definitely worth trying for the sake of autumn!