Encounters With Canada: A remarkable experience


Have you heard of Encounters With Canada? It’s a camp that allows you to visit Ottawa and learn what your future may look like. They offer several camps: Medicine and Health, Arts and Culture, Canada Remembers, Ecology and Environment, International Affairs, Journalism and Communications, Law, Politics in Canada, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Science and Technology, Sports and Fitness and Vimy. The best part is that you get to meet people from all over the country.

Last week, I met 111 new people from all across Canada including PEI, Newfoundland and Nunavut. I learned that Nunavut people don’t live in igloos, BC people don’t walk around every day with a raincoat and umbrella (well most of the time…) and Newfoundlanders have the BEST accent. It was definitely an amazing week! I attended the Medicine and Health camp where I got to visit a Cancer Care Centre and experiment with cancerous cells. We also went through several modules which gave us the opportunity to brainstorm ideas for the capital city to represent more of Canada as a whole and pay respects to those who fought for us in the war. The capital is truly a beautiful place to be. One of the best places we visited in the capital was the War Museum. There is a tombstone for the “Unknown Soldier” which is symbolic of all the soldiers who fought for our peace. The sun always shines near the tombstone, however on November 11th, the sun shines directly at the tombstone. Isn’t that amazing?

Overall, my experience with EWC has truly changed my life. I got to learn more about what it takes to pursue a degree in the Medical field. I strongly encourage you all to attend. All Albertans get $175 subsidized by the Minister of Education. Hopefully you can sign up next year to experience this camp! Maybe you can even blog about it and spread the word about this opportunity for all youth across Canada.