Embrace being an introvert


introverts-blog (1) Today’s world, with so many people buzzing around you, with many avenues to stay connected, there are still people who like to stay with themselves, in their very own world. And I am one of them. To all the introverts (including me) this is an article written for you, to let people know that introverts are no less cooler than others. We don’t lack confidence nor do we hate people; all we do is love our own company a little more than others.

During my childhood, I didn’t have many friends and frankly that concerned my parents a bit. I tried getting along with people but it never worked out; not due to a fight or grudge but the reason remained unknown till I started identifying with my own self. It was not others but myself! I felt suffocated when a person came too close or blabbered a lot. And as I grew up, I knew that I was not a flamboyant teenage girl with cool friends to hang out with. I lived in a different world all by myself and yet never felt lonely. And now I am still an introvert with a handful of friends (who are also introverts). So if you are one of those people who fear being an introvert in today’s world, remember you are not alone. There are tonnes of other introverts just like you and me who “love being alone without being alone.”


  1. Thanks for sharing this, Asa! Although I don’t think we should strictly classify individuals as “introverts” or “extroverts” and immediately associate them with general qualities possessed by the two groups, it is important for us to understand these concepts for our day-to-day social interactions. For example, I’ve quite often doubted myself when I don’t get along with someone, even if the conflict is not resulting from something I’ve done. A lot of the time the other party wouldn’t even realize maybe it was something they did – which is really frustrating if you continually think low of yourself! “Putting yourself in others’ shoes” is much easier said than done (oh no – two cliches in a row!) but I think it is nevertheless integral to self-development and the development of relationships with others. Anyway, great article and awesome comic on the side 🙂

    • I totally agree with you Elena! And yes, I have been through those frustrating moments you mentioned above…(Sigh)! Also I feel, circumstances, your past and the person you are interacting with have an influence on your response (To be or not to be!) Anyways Thank You so much for taking the time to read my post 🙂

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