How to Deal With Stress in School


School and stress. Name a more sinister duo… That’s what I thought. It seems as if you get all your tests in one week and in other weeks, you have none. It’s like your teachers came together to plan out their tests in the same week to make your life worse.

It’s hard to tell you how to deal with stress because everyone deals with stress differently. Somethings might work better for other people rather than yourself, but by trying out these strategies, you’ll figure out what works best for you. Here are some hacks to deal with stress.

1. Stop Procrastinating


This is especially important when you have a lot to do. It is good to start early and feel well prepared on test days. Cramming in the night before only leads to more stress. Planning out your week and studying 1 hour each day, will allow you to feel calm when your tests come up.

2. Plan out your week


Staying organized and having a calendar will make things easier for you. This will help you to keep track of things you need to get down. By having this written down rather than on your mind, it will ease your mind. By having a lot on your mind, it will cause the brain to think you need more energy than what you actually have which will cause you to become stressed.

3. Sleep


A large amount of stress comes from sleep deprivation. Pulling all nighters, or going to bed late and waking up early affects your performance in school and affects the ability for your body to function.

4. Prioritize


Those of you guys who do a lot of extracurriculars or have a job know that by the time you get home, you have little to no time to get everything done by the next day. In this case, it is important to not overwhelm yourself, you don’t need to do everything in the world. If you find yourself in these situations a lot, recognize what it is that is causing you to be in that situation and prioritize whats most important to you.

5. Take breaks


Taking 15 minute breaks are a great way to take your mind off things. By clearing your mind, it will decrease the amount of cortisol (stress hormones) which will reduce stress. Depending on where I am, I like to take walks and walk away from where all my work is, this way I am still not worrying about getting work down while on my break.

If walking does not help you, listening to music is another great way to de-stress and clear your mind. This allows your mind to relax because it slows down your pressure and heart rate which helps to decrease cortisol levels. The best genre of music to listen to would be classical because it is calm and has a steady pace.


Hope you enjoyed my SpongeBob gifs and got some helpful tips.

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