Couch to 5K! An easy way to get started with running


Pretty short post here – recently I’ve been feeling weak in regards to running so I went out for a run and tried to jog for twenty minutes straight. I pretty much died at the end which made me sad considering that I could run 45 minutes straight in Junior High, so I figured that it was time to start from scratch.

I’ve recently started on this program with my sister called Couch to 5k (C25K for short) which literally means it’s a running program designed to get couch potatoes onto the road and running 5k eventually. It’s very easy and time affordable. Approx. 30 minutes every day for three days a week. Easy.


If all you’ve been doing is sitting on the computer, maybe it’s time to take a run. And if you find yourself breathless at the end of a light jog, perhaps it’s time to give this very quick and easy training program a start. Running is a very balanced form of training and is very healthy for your body.

It can train your stamina as well as split second power depending on how you run. I like to run because it generally rounds off the strength training that I do because it seems to just work everything in your body. The changes are very subtle in C25K but I can find myself regaining some of my old endurance.

Check out the program here:

There are free apps from Zen Labs that you can download (atleast for Android), so definitely get those as well as they have created automatic timers and such which is very useful.

Remember to take breaks between the days or you will overwork your knees, which is the most common injury for most runners.