Console Wars: Which controller is better, Xbox or PS3?


Read part 1 of this series here:

Controllers are an essential part of every console and accessories; well, except the Kinect. Controllers have evolved a lot since the first Atari controller. The Playstation controller has a smooth surface with two analog sticks together whereas the Xbox controller has two analog sitcks with a D pad between the two sticks. The Xbox controller is heavier and stronger built than the PS3 controller and could even kill a bear! Well… a small one. The triggers on both controllers are on the same position but the Xbox controller has a concave shape and the Playstation controller has a convex shape. I like the PS3 controller because I am used to it but often find my fingers slipping from the triggers hence getting killed! So this round goes to the Xbox 360 controller since it is more comfortable to use.

Playstation 3: 0

Xbox 360: 1


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