My series Common Health Problems Among Teens is coming to a close. I was able to touch base on eating disorders, depression, drinking, and the last one, which is drug use. You should check out the previous blog posts in the series if you would like to learn more.
Many people realize that drugs are very common among teens. It is sad to see a friend or a family member go through this. Also, it is definitely not the right choice for a teen or anyone in general. You may not know why drug use is very common among teens as well as other things, but an example would be teens begin take drugs as a study aid to stay awake during the night. Pharmaceutical drugs are used most often due to fact that it helps have better sex, release stress, and get high. Marijuana is a prevalent drug as well as cocaine in today’s society. Drugs are not only dangerous physically, they also add to emotional issues. The emotional issues are entirely a whole new topic because it is different for each person. Addiction is what scares parents, and friends because it becomes hard to stop after the first try. There does not have to be a first for everything, but teens at times do not relate to that. Teens believe that they have to keep up with what everyone is doing and what is popular today. You have to be aware that addiction is a very serious problem and that you should take all the help you need in order for you to recover. If you are taking drugs please seek help as it is an unhealthy behaviour, and can get out of hand very quickly.