Christmas – Society’s Arch Nemesis

Christmas Commercialized
Uncle Sam? Santa? But Why…? 


       Christmas has passed.

       Many people, upon reading that, would have, undoubtedly, broken into thought. Some would have thought of the prayers they offered. Some would have thought of the money Christmas stole from their wallets. Some would have thought of the awkward taste their mother’s turkey left in their mouths. But unvanquished, the majority of the ‘modern’ people in society would have thought of something along the lines of ‘modern’ Christmas’ commercialized nature.

        Many of us got presents for Christmas. I, in fact got a book. Yes, a book. On January 4 2013, I went, with my book, to school. Of course, when someone asked what I got for Christmas I would show the book. Some of them, in response, showed me their presents. Some of them had received books as well. But of course there’s always the rich kid that gets something better than you. So he pulled out his brand new iPhone 5. As everyone stared in awe at his brand new, ‘better-than-yours’, Christmas present, I realized that for him and for all of us, this Christmas present of his, had nothing to do with the spirit of Christmas.

         Not only kids, feeling superiority over others because of unnecessary presents, but also adults are feeling pressures of our highly commercialized Christmas. Parents see it as an obligation to buy the priciest gifts for their children. Industry has also taken Christmas into its control. Economy plays a big part in today’s Christmas. Companies’ peak periods are during Christmas as people buy without thinking. People take holidays to spend with their families but really, after the turkey, you’re on you own.

         Christmas has been diluted or is diluting, our society. Christmas is supposed to be a deeply religious event. Not a present show. Christmas, is historically, the day when Jesus was born. Today, Christmas is a day when our annual Christmas debts are born. Even through heritage we have understood that Christmas is a time of giving, but today all people seem to want to do is get. And if they give they mean to get something in return.

        After Christmas, for the whole year, people seem to think of the last Christmas or the coming Christmas for unjustifiable reasons. I think that Christmas is not what it should be and is not one of society’s best times. I think that Christmas’ basic values of respect, giving and caring are not being fulfilled. I think that Christmas is society’s enemy. Society’s Arch – nemesis.