Celebrating Canada Day: Project Maple


Do you love Canada? Do you care about being Canadian? Are you apathetic and proud of it? No matter how you feel, it matters to Project Maple, or, PM. Started almost a year ago, Project Maple is the Canadian Mail Art Project – online. Projectmaple.org.  Mail Art is art (usually done on the back of a postcard, but anything will do) sent through the mail to a compiler. Essentially, Project Maple is a forum for Canadians to explore Canadian Identity through art.

The Back Story… A little over a year ago, I was studying Social Studies 20 and was greatly inspired by the course content. I loved learning about Nationalism, and was greatly intrigued by the idea of Canadian Identity.  I grew up in a Ukrainian-Canadian community, learning/doing/participating in Ukrainian dance, scouting, school, church,  and cultural events. Being Ukrainian and being proud of that was second nature. But I as began to think about being Canadian, I felt that I was equally proud, but had no way to show it or share in that pride with anyone else.

This Canada Day, why not celebrate how you feel with Project Maple?