Do you love Canada? Do you care about being Canadian? Are you apathetic and proud of it? No matter how you feel, it matters to Project Maple, or, PM. Started almost a year ago, Project Maple is the Canadian Mail Art Project – online. Mail Art is art (usually done on the back of a postcard, but anything will do) sent through the mail to a compiler. Essentially, Project Maple is a forum for Canadians to explore Canadian Identity through art.
The Back Story… A little over a year ago, I was studying Social Studies 20 and was greatly inspired by the course content. I loved learning about Nationalism, and was greatly intrigued by the idea of Canadian Identity. I grew up in a Ukrainian-Canadian community, learning/doing/participating in Ukrainian dance, scouting, school, church, and cultural events. Being Ukrainian and being proud of that was second nature. But I as began to think about being Canadian, I felt that I was equally proud, but had no way to show it or share in that pride with anyone else.
This Canada Day, why not celebrate how you feel with Project Maple?