Calgary’s Mural of Youth


Just a little more than a month ago, I had the most amazing opportunity of collaborating with the staff at Youth Central through my school club, Creativity In Action, in creating a mural for Calgary. Here is the excerpt from our club illustrating our inspiration behind the mural.

The Creativity In Action team has partnered with Youth Central since October 2012 and painted a mural displaying Calgary’s culturally diverse youth community and the spirit of youth.

We wanted to capture the activities of youth ranging across the city: from participation in physical activity at Fish Creek Park, COP, and in the streets of our communities; planting trees in our city to promote environmental conservation; reading at Calgary’s Public Library by Calgary Board of Education’s Family of Man statues to expand our knowledge of the world; to attending annual cultural events like the Calgary Stampede and Zoo Lights.


Volunteerism in Calgary simply cannot be overlooked. In the year of 2011, more than 2500 youth at Youth Central contributed 40,000 hours to Calgary’s community. It is inspiring to see the dedication of us, as youth, in our communities. Just imagine the participation of young minds beyond Youth Central’s volunteer projects!

We also dedicated a piece to the Alberta Children’s Hospital, where we as the Creativity In Action team, devote our cause. The hand prints on the piece symbolize the boldness and strength these patients have, not only sparking our compassion toward others, but reinforcing their part as role models of our community.

The spirit of youth cannot be forgotten, for the fireworks in each of us ignite as we play in Calgary’s backyard – or simply down at Chinook Mall as we munch on our popcorn, anticipating a great future for our home: the City of Calgary.

as seen on 

It doesn’t take a whole lot to involved in the community – you only have to reach out and get started. BE PROACTIVE!! “Volunteers are paid in six figures… S-M-I-L-E-S”  ~Gayla LeMaire.

Extra special thanks to Youth Central, for the opportunity; to Calgary 2012 and First Calgary for their support in this project.