Bucket List Ideas for a Greater Cause




No matter which way you tackle it, a Bucket List is fun to have. It ensures you live life to its fullest and without regrets. Although number 22 and 83 on your list will probably get you into trouble, it’s worth a shot, right? What I most appreciate about bucket lists are that they highlight what you want to get out of your life. They are also a sneak peek into your personality! But as much as a bucket list mostly benefits the person who made it, why not incorporate ideas that help everyone else as well? By putting into action even one of the ideas below is a catalyst for bigger change.

1. Donate your hair to make wigs for cancer patients


Did you know that 8-15 ponytails are needed to make one wig for a cancer patient? So if you have long, healthy hair, this bucket list idea is perfect for you. Depending on which organization you donate to, they will ask for 8 to 12 inches of hair. Your clean hair must be in a ponytail or braid while being cut, and then put into a Ziploc. Further details can be found on Locks of Love, Pantene Beautiful Lengths, and Angel Hair for KidsYour donation allows patients to see beauty in their darkest times. Plus, when your hair grows back, it’s having a fresh start.

2. Volunteer abroad


If you like to help out in your community, take it a step further! Organizations such as Free the Children, AIESEC, Projects Abroad, GeoVisions, GVI Canada, Love Volunteers, and Go Overseas have countless opportunities for you. If being with children, farming, building schools or animal conservation piques your interest, there will be no trouble finding a program that suits you. Don’t worry if you can’t accomplish this now as you have the rest of your life to make a global impact.

3. Participate in NaNoWriMo


National Novel Writing Month challenges people from around the world to write a 50,000-word novel by the end of November. By interacting with the NaNoWriMo community, you earn badges and gain inspiration. If you reach the goal, you can win money or get help in publishing your awesome novel. If writing a 50,000-word novel is daunting, other programs such as the Young Writers Program and Camp NaNoWriMo aid with reaching your own word-count goals. So if you need a platform to share your crazy story ideas (and write them), look no further.

4. Sign and/or start a petition


Do you want to spark change locally or globally? Then starting or signing a petition is a fantastic way to get people together who are as confident and passionate in your cause as you are. The freedom to lobby gives the public an outlet for their opinions. This puts pressure on an organization or government to reconsider their policy to coincide with people’s demands or implement change completely. With Change.org, people from all walks of life can start/sign a petition in seconds. This greatly helps with the publicity of petitions.

5. Get First Aid & CPR training


Imagine being at the mall food court with your friends. All of a sudden, in the corner of your eye, you see a man choking on his food and clutching his throat. That person is obviously having trouble breathing and you hear someone call for help. When you look around, nobody seems to be CPR certified but you. As you run over to the man and administer back blows and abdominal thrusts, you’re saving his life. But what if you didn’t know the procedures? There are many unexpected health scenarios that could happen during your day, so it is best to prepare for them. When circumstances permit, get training as soon as possible.

6. Participate in GISHWHES


For fun-seekers, The Greatest International Scavenger Hunt the World Has Ever Seen challenges teams for one week to “acquire items on a fun, inspiring and sometimes jaw-dropping scavenger hunt list.” The team with the highest quality of submissions (pictures or videos uploaded to the GISHWHES website) join founder, Misha Collins from Supernatural, to an exotic location! The main purpose is “to have participants break out of their comfort zones, re-awaken their inner artist, and do a bit of good in the world.” If you’re looking to have an inspiring and adventurous week, GISHWHES is right up your alley.

7. Donate blood


Did you know that it takes up to 8 blood donors a week to help a patient with leukemia? So if you are at least 17 years old, find out your eligibility to donate blood here. There is always need for blood donations, regardless of blood type. However, if you have type O- blood (or know someone that does), doctors can transfuse it with any patient’s blood type.


Canadian Blood Services has all the information you need about the donation process, plus more.

8. Complete the 1 Second Everyday challenge


For those unfamiliar with the concept, for 365 days, you document each day by recording a 1 second video of what is going on in your life. Even if you’re just eating cereal beside your cat on March 9th or skydiving with friends in Cambodia on September 23rd, record it! It’s all part of the fun of seeing a year’s worth of sentimental memories play out before your eyes. It puts into perspective how amazing your life is and the people in it are. For Apple and Android users, you can purchase the 1SE app in your respective app store. Alternately, just use your phone’s camera, keep track of the dates, and compile the videos later on. See the creator of the 1SE app’s video here.

There are so many forms of goodness we can give and take that the 8 ideas listed are only a short glimpse. Nonetheless, I hope this inspires you to take a leap of faith and make the best of everything.

So what are you waiting for?

“I got you to look after me, and you got me to look after you, and that’s why.” – John Steinbeck

Best wishes,

Kandace  🙂