How To Make Bubble Tea


Bubble tea is also called pearl tea or boba tea, you can usually buy them in any malls or stores. You think it’s a normal  drink, but it had history too. It all began at Taiwan where it was the place that bubble tea was born in the 1980s. Tu Tsong-he was the owner of the Hanlin teahouse in Taiwan, he made tea using traditional white tapioca (pearl). Shortly after he change the white pearl into black tapioca. This drink became popular mostly in the East and the Southeast part of Asia. I just made a cup of bubble tea at home last week, it went pretty well.

What you need:

  • Tapioca perals
  • ice
  • water
  •  milk
  • sugar
  • frozen fruit
  • spoons
  • a blender
  • big pot
  • stranier
  • measuring cup
  • big straws


  1. Fill your pot with ten cups of water
  2. bring your water to a boil
  3. put hte lid on and turn your stove on high
  4. once your water is boiling, you can add your tapioca perals
  5. stir them until they rise on the top and they look clump
  6. then your stove to a medium heat and cover your pot with the lid (set your timer for 5 minutes)
  7. when 5 minutes is over you can stran the bobas with your stranier, and pour cold water
  8. take a spoonful of sugar and spin it into the bobas so them have just a little bit of taste
  9. take a spoon and stir them

Now let’s make the smoothie…

  1.  first add your frozen fruit ( I used frozen mango, about 5 or 6 pieces in the blender)
  2. then dump a bowlful fo ice in the blender
  3. pour half of a cup of milk
  4. if you want, you can add in a little bit of water (like 3 spoonful)
  5. now you are ready to blend
  6. once you blend it, you can put 3 spoonful of sugar
  7. last but not least, you join the bobas and the smoothie together

Taste it, enjoy it and done 🙂 …