Blogging About Blogs – Hyperbole and a Half


Being a blogger, I often enjoy reading what other creative writers/illustrators put on the internet for the world to see. One of my favourite blogs is called ‘Hyperbole and a Half’.  The blogger (Allie) writes about supposedly mundane occurrences in her life that she makes into hilarious cartoons.  The awful stick figure pictures accompanied by terrible colouring and the bad language (*disclaimer) honestly adds to the humour of her posts.  If you have not heard of “Hyperbole and a Half” check it out here!

One of my favourite posts entitled “The Alot is Better Than You at Everything” is about a fantasy creature dubbed the “Alot.” This cute, furry creature is invented in Allie’s subconscious to combat the sadness felt when experiencing the gramatically incorrect use of the words “a lot.”  Allie’s strategy involves picturing the Alot in different situations every time someone uses the word incorrectly.  Here a a few examples that made me laugh (all credit goes to Hyperbole and a Half).