AVENGERS INFINITY WAR: A Review (Spoiler Free)


The third Avengers movie recently came out on the 27th and I was lucky enough to watch it without reading any spoilers online. Don’t worry, I’ll try to keep this post relatively spoiler-free as well for those of you who haven’t seen it.

First things first, OH MY GOD. Bring your tissues and inhaler, people, this is going to be a journey. Imagine this as a roller coaster. The beginning of the movie, you’re starting at a 50-foot drop. It’s pretty intense, you’re shocked, it’s over fast, but you’re still shook. Then, it’s fairly smooth, little bumps here and there, not too bad. Next, you start rising. You think it’s fine, oh everything’s okay. It’s not. You keep climbing up the roller coaster. You think you’re going to stop, but you don’t. For basically half the movie, you’re going up that roller coaster and in the last ten minutes of it, that’s when you fall. Down the roller coaster you go! Oh, but you thought you were going to land safely back on the tracks? Sike, you thought wrong. Your roller coaster cart has flown off the rail and has dived into a volcano. You are now dead. Congrats, hope you liked the film.

Getting to the specifics though, this was honestly such a fantastic movie. So many things are happening, you almost can’t keep up, but that’s the beauty of it, you get to see everyone (literally everyone) in action. And it’s also SUPER funny. The reactions everybody has with meeting each other is absolutely hilarious. But at the same time, it was also so awesome. Everybody teamed up with each other and fought together. It was beautiful and I honestly live for that.

I don’t remember a single dull moment in the movie. Every second was either action-packed, hilarious or making me cry. Also, each of the characters, just WOW. Wonderfully portrayed, as always. AND, the special effects of this movie? Whole other level of WOW. But, you know what? Marvel, I see you trying to make this movie so good that we wouldn’t mind the ending. I see you and it’s not working I am still upsET. Marvel really did do us dirty this time.

I’m afraid I cannot say more. The main areas of conversation revolve around the deaths in the movie, but obviously, I’m not going to be a jerk and tell you who dies. Let me be as vague as possible. It’s heartbreaking. Of course, what character death isn’t heartbreaking? Yeah, but it’s that heartbreak, times twenty. That’s Avengers: Infinity War. You’ve never wanted to sue Marvel more.

BUT, more about that ending. Let’s talk about that ending. So, let me just say: EXCUSE ME???? WHAT???? You can’t just leave me like that!! I can’t say what happens because I don’t want to spoil it for you, but whatever you think it is, oh, it is so much worse. This cliffhanger ends all cliffhangers. There was nail-biting, foot tapping, loud weeping and smeared mascara. Everything hits you all at once, like a truck. Like a big ‘ol, emotional, psychologically damaging truck.

Personally, the saddest part was when ______________ died. The tears just started falling and they didn’t stop. It actually pained me to watch. When _____________ died, they just fell into _______________’s arms and they said “I don’t want to go, __________, please, I don’t want to go. I’m sorry.” I just sat in my pool of tears in the theatre and said “wow” like that gif. I will never be the same again. Neither will you if you decide to watch this movie. But at least, if we’re all hurt, we can hurt together.

Image result for wow crying gif

Here are some spoiler-free posts I found about Infinity War that I relate to on a spiritual level.

Friendly reminder that Avengers 4 doesn’t come out until May of 2019! Happy crying everyone!

sources: x x x x x
