As the Pandemic “Settles out”…


Although the Omicron variant has generally induced less severe symptomatic responses compared to other variants that we have seen, it still poses as a potential catastrophe for the healthcare system if left unregulated. We’ve been stuck in this pandemic for about 2 years (that’s crazy to think about), we are understandably tired and lack the stamina to take the once very strictly followed safety precautions as seriously. 

I’ve heard different claims as to how we should proceed to deal with the pandemic, with many people saying that if everyone is going to get it, we might as well all get sick and build immunity. From the average non professionals perspective (so most of us), this may seem like a valid claim. To be completely honest I even started to question the importance of applying safety measures put in place at the beginning of the pandemic now.  


Despite what some individuals may think, for the most part, our government is doing what’s best for the safety of our community. Similar to the beginning of the pandemic, a pressing concern was the capacity of hospitals; there simply weren’t enough resources like beds and masks or spots the in ICU. Now, although most people won’t die from the Omicron variant, they can still find themselves wound up in the ICU. This is especially true for those immunocompromised for unvaccinated. Even if the percentage of people who need to be hospitalized are low, because of the transmissibility of this new variant, the actual number of people being hospitalized is still too high for hospital capacity. With more Covid-19 cases taking up spots in hospitals, patients fighting other serious illnesses cannot be addressed with the necessary care they deserve.

For more information about the Omicron variant:

Even though these restrictions are more frustrating than ever, we need to stay strong and keep in mind otherwise, it could have catastrophic impacts. I know we want to hang out with our friends and family like the good old days, but please keep in mind that this pandemic isn’t over and we need to play our part. None of us are going to revert back to our habits at the beginning of the pandemic, but at the very least, we should do our best to follow the public health guidelines.

Covid-19 Resources

And lastly, if you haven’t already, vaccinations are easier to access than ever. Check out for more info. Also, encourage your parents to get boosters! For updates on Covid-19 in Alberta, visit With in person school starting up again, we’ll see how things play out. Stay safe out there and continue wearing your masks! 




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